The "Justin Bailey Code" legend is an urban legend revolving around the 1986 action-adventure game Metroid.
The Justin Bailey code (JUSTIN BAILEY ------ ------), when entered, allows players to begin the game outside of Samus's power suit but with all of the same abilities she would have inside of it. This essentially makes it a cosmetic change. However, people began to speculate what the significance of the name "Justin Bailey" was. The first hypothesis was that Justin Bailey was the name of one of the game's developers, but no one with that name is named in the game's credits. The second idea was that "Bailey" was either Australian or British slang for a bathing suit, as Samus appears to be wearing a bathing suit when the code is activated. However, Samus is wearing a leotard, not a bathing suit, and the word "bailey" is not slang for bathing suit in any known dialect.
In reality, the password "JUSTIN BAILEY" only coincidentally spells out a name due to the way Metroid's password generation system works. It has no actual hidden meaning; the password just coincidentally spells out a recognizable English name.